
Venus                     Age: 22

Major: Psychology              MBTI: ENFJ

Birthday: October 1st        Favorite food: Red velvet cake

Hobbies: Skincare,fashion,gossiping,watching romance movies,updating her social media.

Notable personality traits: Empathetic,calm,supportive,organized,cheerful,idealistic.

Venus is a popular lady who is always involved with the events that happen around campus. From very early on, she's been used to people fawning over her, being considered a natural beauty. However, her biggest enemy when it comes to her love life is herself.Usually falling for the kind of person that is... less than desireable, or at least, incompatible with her. She is quick to fall in love and imagine fanciful scenarios where she lives her happily ever after with her prince charming of the month. Despite the problems going on in her romantic life, Venus is a well-applied psycholog student who's always dreamed of becoming a couple's therapist and helping people find the best in themselves. She is a very empathetic person, being able to sympathize with basically anyone—and if someone needs help, she'll be right there to do all that she can. She is also a member of the student council, being a peacemaker by nature, and likes taking the lead in making sure things get done properly. She takes her studies and position very seriously. Venus is always present at all sorts of social events and loves to socialize with all types of people.
Venus loves fashion and taking care of her appearance. She always makes sure to change things up and spend a lot of time on herself. She believes self-care is everything! Venus comes from a relatively well-off family, and from early childhood she's pressured herself to live up to the standards that she's been raised with, but overall, she grew up in a loving family and is learning to take it easy while still being responsible.


Sun/Sol Venus knows Sol from high school, and, seeing as they were both conventionally attractive popular kids, they spent a lot of time around the same social circle. They stayed friends up until college, eventually drifting apart after Sol's breakup with Alec. After the happening, Venus doesn't quite hold Sol to high regard anymore.

Moon/Luna: Venus met Luna through Alec and dearly holds her close to her heart. Venus sees how hard Luna works and wants the best for her, always trying to make sure she's been taking care of herself.

Marcos: Venus barely knows Marcos but sees him around every once in a while. She thinks he's a little creepy and definitely not the type of person she hangs around—he's involved with some shady stuff after all.

Earth/Alec: Venus met Alec through Sol, and the three quickly became a bit of a trio. She connected a lot with Alec, as they both shared many similar values and had an idealistic view of the world. Because they were common friends, she was the first person to know about Alec and Sol's relationship, and she had been rooting for them for a while. When, to her surprise, Sol suddenly broke up with Alec, she was the only one that could be there for him. She spent a lot of time with Alec to make sure he was taking care of himself or not doing something wreckless. After the worst was over, Venus and Alec grew closer as she stuck around to be there no matter what. She always invites Alec to go out and do things and often worries about him. She considers him to be one of her best friends.

Mars/Marshall: Venus is almost an atithesis to Marshall, but she doesn't actively hate him. She's annoyed by him, sure, but it comes mostly out of a place of pity. She clearly sees he has issues and even tries interacting with him, but ultimately decides the effort isn't worth the detriment to her mental health, so she mostly leaves him alone.

Jupiter/Jules: Venus doesn't see Jules very often but thinks he's a big softie and gets along well with him. If they were closer, they could spend hours talking about romance movies and novels, but alas, Jules is a bit too shy to talk about his interests like that.

Saturn/Sammy: Venus and Sammy have been friends since middle school and are absolute besties. Back when they were kids, Sammy was considered a bit of a "weird kid," and Venus was one of the few friends she had. Despite their differences, they always had a lot of fun, and Sammy helped Venus let loose a little bit. Now they have more friends, but they still hang out often to talk about the recent gossip, watch movies, or go shopping.

Uranus/Yuri: From the moment Venus laid her eyes on Yuri at a freshman party, she's been enamoured with him—who knows what it is that made her feel like that. Maybe his aloof nature...peaceful and laid-back attitude...well, she could spend a long time just imagining scenarios of them together taking looong walks on the beach talking about their future...but of course, Yuri is definitely not meeting the boyfriend expectations as he is nothing like what she pictures in her head. And in some way she knows this, and yet...being in love is a lot of fun. Venus constantly tries giving Yuri hints, but he doesn't seem to catch on, and she refuses to be direct because that's not the scenario she imagined. She knows that if she just asked to hook up with him, he'd most certainly say yes, but she wants something more. Maybe a few months from now she'll move on.

Neptune/Nephy: At first, Venus didn't give Nephy the light of day—he was too serious, too closed off, almost fading in the background—especially being around his brother. But after venting to him a few times about Yuri, she's also developed a bit of a crush on him after being consoled and noticing how he can be very endearing, even if unintentionally so. Unluckily for Venus, Nephy is just as oblivious as his brother. She feels a bit weird about wanting both of the siblings.

Pluto/Patricia: Venus met Pat through Alec and quickly caught on that she was struggling with self-expression and interacting with others. She would invite Patricia to go shopping and hang out one-on-one, sometimes with Sammy too. Venus would try to lift Pat up and help her to gain more confidence, spending more time together after Sol and Alec started dating. She helped Patricia rediscover her love for fashion, and they bonded over that. However, after Patricia got expelled from the college, they drifted apart, and Venus even tried to talk things out at the time, but Pat wasn't having any of it. Venus is giving her space but wishes they could all get along again.