Sol                        Age: 25

Major: Public Relations      MBTI: ESFJ

Birthday: August 3rd        Favorite food: Hot dogs

Hobbies: Posting thirst traps on instagram, working out, party planning

Notable personality traits: Extroverted,cocky,hospitable,loud,eager to please

Sol is a natural extrovert and knows practically everyone. He puts great effort into keeping up appearances and making sure everything runs smoothly as the student representative for the college. He tends to be a people-pleaser, especially when it comes to his mother, the director of the college. Sol is always organizing events or in charge of other functions, being present in the student union as well. He is all about that college spirit! He is in his last year of college and plans to keep working as a social media manager for the college if his mom deems him worthy of it. Sol is warm and enthusiastic and will make friends with basically anyone. He is not very good with conflict though and will try to avoid it at all costs; he strives for harmony and fun for everyone.
Sol grew up with his mother and his older brother Sage (Sagittarius A) in a very rich but demanding household. His mother is hard to please and was never very affectionate towards neither Sol nor Sage, resulting in a highly competitive environment for them in an attempt to get some kind of recognition. Sol was never able to catch up to his brother, though, and slowly realized that it was futile. Sol seeks out acceptance from others out of instinct and still puts way too much importance on his image. Despite moving out of his mother's house, he still keeps in close contact with her—with his brother, not so much. Sol doesn't get along with his brother, who grew to become a ruthless, power- and money-hungry businessman, and avoids him as much as possible.


Earth/Alec Sol met him when Alec was just a freshman in college, and they quickly got along. Despite their differences, they admired each other, and Sol quickly integrated Alec into his inner friend circle. As they got closer, their friendship evolved into a romantic relationship, lasting approximately 1 year. Sol and Alec kept it a private thing for a good while (with the exception of a few close friends and others that saw them together), and once they felt comfortable to slowly share the relationship with others and make it official, things quickly fell apart. Sol's mother did not approve of their relationship for numerous reasons, mainly because of his association with the college's public image, and urged him to end things. Sol knew that if he told Alec about the situation, Alec would try to fight for their relationship, creating even more friction with his mother. He was not brave enough to make things clear and ended up ghosting Alec, acting like they were nothing but friends. Sol feels extremely guilty about the whole situation and misses Alec deeply, but thinks this is for the well-being of all involved.

Mercury/Marcos: Sol has been paying Marcos to do homework for him and really hopes they can become good friends. However, Marcos is not very approachable, which leads to Sol trying way too hard to get closer, sometimes unkowingly (and annoyingly) pushing boundaries. Sol tries to get into the things Marcos likes, specifically gaming and such, but Sol just plain sucks at it, and that doesn't help at all.

Venus: Sol and Venus are both somewhat popular, conventionally attractive, and sociable people, so it was only a matter of time until they met each other. They went to the same high school and kept their friendship until college. They both are part of the student union and would hang around the same social circle, and would end up introducing Venus to Alec. After Sol's breakup with Alec, he and Venus grew distant.

Mars/Marshall: Sol is very awkward around Marshall, mostly because Marshall is socially inept and usually means trouble. He avoids him, but tries to be polite about it.

Jupiter/Jules: Jules is always busy, and not one for parties or other events that Sol enjoys, so they don't see each other very much. He thinks Jules is a bit of a nerd but is happy to welcome him in any event.

Saturn/Sammy: Sol sees Sammy a lot at parties and group outings, and, although not very close, they get along well.

Uranus/Yuri: Sol and Yuri get along very well and are good friends, since they're both cheerful social butterflies that strive to keep the harmony in group situations. They call each other "bro" way too much, and Sol always invites Yuri to parties and events and vice-versa.

Neptune/Nephy: Sol doesn't know much about Nephy other than the fact he is Yuri's brother. Since Nephy is usually very blunt and cold, Sol feels a bit awkward around him and would prefer to keep a distance.

Pluto/Patricia: Sol met Patricia through Alec and has always struggled with getting along with her. He tried to include her in activities for Alec's sake, but her standoffish nature made it difficult to get along. After she got expelled, Sol didn't hear about her anymore except for the times Juels brings her along for group activities and outings.

Moon/Luna: Sol met Luna at a college fair. She invited him to grab dinner with her brother, and he accepted. Upon arriving there, well... he learns Luna is Alec's sister. Since their relationship was kept private for the most part and Luna didn't live with her brother at the time, they never met up until this moment. Sol notices she is somewhat infatuated with her but wouldn't dare turn her down in fear of hurting her feelings. Alec also prohibited him from telling her about their relationship. He enjoys her company and considers her a friend, but also feels a bit awkward due to her crush on him.