
Marshall                     Age: 21

Major: Political Science          MBTI: INTP

Birthday: April 1st                Favorite food: Indomie instant noodles

Hobbies: Conspiracy theories, browsing image boards,history,cryptids,runescape,debating.

Notable personality traits: Cynical,brash,paranoid,creative,restless,insecure,curious.

Marshall is what people would consider an incel and a nerd. He is obsessed with cryptids and conspiracy theories, being practically raised by the internet. He used to be in the paranormal research club but got kicked out because he tends to get fired up. So now he's the only member of the debate club that's being threatened to be shut down by college staff. Marshall usually has an active mind and spends lots of time writing and developing theories and concepts, usually about aliens and other fictional creatures—although this creativity also leaked into his world view, resulting in some not-so-savory concepts about the world. He himself is not 100% certain if he believes the stuff he spews, but he enjoys ticking people off in some kind of attention-seeking behavior. Because he considers himself to be less than others, he doesn't make an attempt to better himself. He understands how his attitudes push other people away from him but is not very sure on how to fix things, resorting to looking for advice in certain corners of 4chan or Reddit. This all comes from the belief that if he can somehow fit into societal expectations of masculinity, then he'll be respected—but he's always struggled to meet those. So he resents the world for not making space for him and himself for not fitting into the world. It doesn't help that he's super gay and closeted.
Marshall grew up in an emotionally neglectful household, and his parents are in the middle of a long and dragged-out divorce, and his mom left him with his absent dad. He resents his mother for leaving him behind to be with another man and tends to have mysogynistic opinions because of how he processed the whole situation. Of course, this is because he's barely interacted with a single woman in his entire life. His parents have always thought of him as a failure, and so Marshall doesn't believe he can ever amount to anything meaningful. He's got a nasty drinking habit, but it helps him forget his misery or interact with others more easily. This is mimicked behavior from his father, and they despise each other, with their only interaction being Marshall's dad screaming at him for being a shut-in that can't keep a job and move out.


Sun/Sol Because Sol is the picture-perfect "chad" and a popoular and conventionally attractive guy, Marshall absolutely despises him and hates how superficially polite and friendly Sol is. He can't help but want to look at his Instagram pictures, though. It's definitely not because of the shirtless pics, he swears!

Moon/Luna: Marshall has never met Luna,so he doesn't know her.

Marcos: Marshall is pissed off by the fact Marcos is so confident in himself despite being shorter than him. It just doesn't get into his head how Marcos could possibly get so many bitches when he doesn't fit conventional beauty standards. Marshall doesn't know it, but he's been scammed by Marcos a few times in runescape. If he did know, he'd certainly try to pick up a fight with him.

Venus: Marshall hates Venus despite barely knowing her for a few reasons: 1. She's popular; 2. She's pretty. 3. She's a popular and pretty woman. AND she is always throwing herself at Yuri, his only friend (and crush). He's afraid Yuri will stop hanging out with him as soon as he finds someone more interesting—or, god forbid, a girlfriend!!! So he resents Venus for "trying to snatch Yuri away." With no evidence, he decided that she probably sleeps with all the guys on campus—after all, an extroverted and beautiful person like her could if she wanted! She would never understand what it's like to be him...

Earth/Alec: Marshall and Alec often butt heads because of Alec's strong morals and underlying desire to convince Marshall that his ramblings are stupid and insane. But since Alec doesn't have the patience to deal with Marshall and comes at him with an aggressive and dismissive stance, it doesn't do much. Marshall thinks all Alec does is virtue-signaling and doesn't really believe he cares about what he says—Marshall assumes everyone is out to get him, so he can't ever take anyone at face value. 

Jupiter/Jules: Marshall doesn't have any problems with Jules since he is so passive and doesn't engage with Marshall's discussions. But it's also no fun to just talk to a wall for 30 minutes and get no response. Marshall doesn't notice he's just making Jules uncomfortable. 

Saturn/Sammy: Marshall also dislikes Sammy for mostly the same reasons he dislikes Venus. She's a socially active pretty girl, and he assumes the worst about her. Sammy doesn't give him the light of day though, and he's not sure if he prefers to be ignored by her or not.

Uranus/Yuri: Yuri is the only person that ever tries to engage with him genuinely. At first, Marshall was kind of put off by Yuri's behavior, always calm and patient, making the most confusing and insightful questions about his world views. Because Yuri never expresses any animosity towards him, he can't bring himself to be angry at him...and Yuri is also the only one that invites him to hang out with the others. Even this very small amount of positive but difficult-to-read attention went a long way, and Marshall developed a pretty hard crush on Yuri. He's very much in denial about this and refuses to admit this is anything but adoration and/or appreciation. After all, there's no way Yuri would want someone like him, right? He can have anyone, so he'd only look like a fool if he tried anything...but why consider these scenarios about your only friend in the first place?! Marshall You disgusting creep...

Neptune/Nephy: Marshall sees Nephy relatively often when he hangs out with Yuri. Nephy is a bit intimidating and just as difficult to read at his brother, except he's not at all—and that's scary... What's he thinking?

Pluto/Patricia: Marshall doesn't know Patricia, only seeing her at some events. Never exchanged any words with her though; just assumes she's a weird goth chick.