
Marcos                     Age: 22

Major: Chemistry                 MBTI: ISTJ

Birthday: September 17        Favorite food: Chips

Hobbies: Gaming, programming, streaming, studying, reviewing eroge

Notable personality traits: Perfectionist,individualistic, intelligent, secretive, hard-working.

Marcos is a diligent student who also streams online for fun. He likes keeping his matters private, only sharing with others what he considers to be necessary. He is a somewhat closed-off person, and despite being well-liked in his social circles, he doesn't like letting anyone get too close to him. He disregards emotional matters and prefers to see things pragmatically, showing disdain for irrational behavior. He puts a lot of effort into his studies and hobbies, striving to be the best at what he does—competitive gaming and academic achievement. He secretly knows that outside of the structure of those things, his life lacks real meaning or impact. He passes the days distracting himself with the sense of accomplishment from keeping up his expectations about himself and the small community that gathered around him online. This community interacts with him through his personal Discord servers, where he managed to acquire a few admirers and simps. He likes to call the ones he's closest to his "discord girlfriends," often gaming and getting into private calls together. He takes pride in his abilities and is a confident person in general. However, he can be quite fragile when it comes to making mistakes and won't allow himself to fail or not achieve his objectives.
Marcos makes sure to always gather as much information as he can about people he meets, keeping a close eye on anything of relevance happening around campus. He knows a lot of people and knows how to use that to his advantage. You could say he is attached to material things like money, good food, and pleasure. He manages to make a decent income from freelance work with programming, casually selling weed to some people, or doing homework or assignments for other students. Despite his stoic act, he can be a pretty caring guy and won't harm anyone unless provoked—he prefers to adopt a low-profile attitude.


Sun/Sol Marcos used to get paid by Sol to do assignments for him, but recently Sol has been trying to get closer as friends. Marcos gets a bit annoyed by Sol's tendency to push people's boundaries and expansive nature—he tries way too hard to become friends and doesn't seem to be aware that Marcos is just not interested—or maybe he is aware and is just hoping Marcos will let his walls down eventually.

Moon/Luna: All Marcos knows is that Luna is Alec's sister. Sometimes he sees her when she's invited for outings or birthdays, but they haven't really exchanged any words.

Earth/Alec: Alec has a decent relationship with Marcos. Marcos is Alec's plug and will sell him weed on rare occasions. Marcos finds Alec too depressing and prefers not to spend too much time with him.

Venus: Marcos is aware of Venus and her position as second rep. He thinks she is respectable and, honestly, kind of hot. Despite this, he doesn't like how emotional she can be sometimes.

Mars/Marshall: Marcos mostly ignores Marshall, but he's stumbled across him online on a few occasions. Marcos has scammed Marshall in Runescape at least once.

Jupiter/Jules: Marcos knows Jules is a busy guy, and he's not very interested in talking to him. He thinks Jules is too soft and a pushover, but admires his good grades.

Saturn/Sammy: Sammy met Marcos through Yuri, and soon enough she started hanging out at his place, to his annoyance. At first he found her somewhat irritating but grew fond of her warm and affectionate nature. He still refuses to call her a friend though, because "they're not THAT close."

Uranus/Yuri: Since Marcos is Yuri's main contact for weed, they see each other very often. Yuri and Sammy are always coming by unnanounced to pre-game or hang out, and Marcos has grown used to it at this point. He was initially put off by Yuri's cluelessness, but after getting closer, he found his honest and relaxed nature kind of inspiring. Marcos won't admit it, but he feels a certain fondness towards Yuri and Sammy.

Neptune/Nephy: Marcos only sees Nephy when he visits Yuri's house on occasion. Despite Nephy's unnerving silent demeanor, he still has a feeling of solidarity when it comes to him and enjoys seeing him come out of his shell to interact with others.

Pluto/Patricia: Marcos thinks Patricia is lowkey cute, although he avoids her due to her anger problems. At some point, she's bothered him about...exposing the headmaster? He doesn't remember her insane ramblings very well.