Alec                     Age: 22

Major: Biology                 MBTI: INFP

Birthday: April 22nd        Favorite food: Tiramisu

Hobbies: Photography,gardening,coffee brewing,rotting

Notable personality traits: Cynical, outspoken, open-minded, emotional, idealistic.

Alec is just a guy trying to graduate and find his place in the world. Although he's seen better days, he still cares deeply about his values and staying true to himself. Alec is someone who cares a lot about fairness and principles and is passionate about the things he believes in. He will not shy away from saying something that needs to be said or from calling out bad behavior. He is a creative person who values originality, empathy, and acceptance. He is passionate about social and political issues and believes in changing the world to make it a better place. Due to his strong values, he can end up being a bit harsh and even judgemental to people that don't share the same worldview as him, but he'll admit when he's wrong about someone and is willing to give [most] people a second chance. Alec has always been a sickly person and has quite a few chronic illnesses (specifically asthma, chronic kidney disease, rhinitis, bronchitis, chronic migraines, labyrinthitis, lactose intolerance, mild hemophilia, obstructive sleep apnea, and scoliosis). He used to be considerably mindful of his condition, but recently he's been going through a depressive episode, and it doesn't seem like he'll get better any time soon; therefore, he's mostly abandoned his health and hobbies.
When Alec was 3 years old, his father and pregnant mother got involved in a car crash on their way to the hospital. The mother died in the hospital, although the baby did survive. After this, Alec and his sister Luna were raised by their uncle, and Alec lived with them until he turned 19. He went back to his late parent's house and worked to save up money for college. After a year of work and the addition of the money his parents left behind, he enrolled in university. During his first year in university, he met Venus, Sol, and the others. He got into a romantic relationship with Sol, which ended suddenly. Soon after, his sister moved in with him to study for college entrance exams as well, and he's been depending on her since then, something that makes him feel like a burden.


Sun/Sol Alec met Sol when he was just a freshman in college, and they quickly got along. Despite their differences, they admired each other, and Sol quickly integrated Alec into his inner friend circle. As they got closer, their friendship evolved into a romantic relationship, lasting approximately 8 months. Sol and Alec kept it a private thing for a good while (with the exception of a few close friends and others that saw them together), and once they felt comfortable to slowly share the relationship with others, things quickly fell apart. Sol stopped communicating with Alec, and when Alec tried to talk about it in person, Sol pretended they never had a relationship to begin with. Alec was left confused and devastated and was a complete mess for the following months. The lack of closure and unwillingness to communicate, combined with the fact Sol tries to act like nothing happened, resulted in Alec developing a deep hatred for him. Alec hates himself for still missing Sol and is especially ticked off by the fact he interacts frequently with his sister Luna.

Moon/Luna: Luna is Alec's younger sister. They have a very strong bond, and despite receiving the affection of their other family members after losing their parents, they depended mostly on each other for emotional support. As a kid, Alec was more introspective and quiet than his sister, and she defended him from other kids. He also feels very protective over her, seeing her as the only close family member he still has. He deeply cares for her and worries he might be a burden to her, consuming too much of her time with his issues and depending on her to do things like house chores and cooking. He feels like a faillure and disappointment for not being able to act like a proper older brother to her. Because he is so scared of losing her, he ends up being quite overprotective and overbearing. He is especially scared that she might be hurt by Sol just like he was, since she seems to have a crush on him.

Mercury/Marcos: Alec has a decent relationship with Marcos. They are not very close, but Marcos is Alec's plug and will sell him weed. They can get along well, but their conversations never go too far since they're both somewhat private.

Venus: Alec met Venus through Sol during his freshman year, and they got closer as time went on. When the breakup happened, Venus was the one supporting Alec through everything, and they developed a close bond. Alec looks up to her and is eternally grateful for everything she has done and continues to do. They saw eye-to-eye on most of their ideals and became best friends. She tries to get Alec to come out of his house and participate in activities. Alec sometimes feels like he has to make up to her for all the time she spent (wasted in his eyes) helping him somehow.

Mars/Marshall: Alec hates Marshall with a passion. He absolutely despises everything Marshall stands for and has no patience for him. He likes making jokes or remarks that mostly go over Marshall's head for an easy laugh.

Jupiter/Jules: Alec doesn't see Jules often since they don't frequent the same spaces and they both spend a lot of time indoors. Still, from the few interactions they do have, Alec sees Jules as a kind and hard-working person and admires him for it.

Saturn/Sammy: Alec sees Sammy often since she's close friends with Venus but isn't really able to match her energy. They get along well and can have a decent conversation, but Sammy doesn't enjoy introspective talks very much.

Uranus/Yuri: Alec and Yuri are good friends and often smoke and hang out together. They might enable each other's bad habits to some extent, but it's a good opportunity to spend time out of his room.

Neptune/Nephy: Alec doesn't know a lot about Nephy but sees him whenever he hangs out with Yuri. They seem to have some kind of silent acknowledgement and connection with each other, made mostly through vague glances.

Pluto/Patricia: Patricia is Alec's oldest friend, going back quite a few years into high school. In college, he tried to include Patricia in social situations since she used to be quite shy. However, her actions regarding being expelled and her horrible habit of lashing out aggressively pushed Alec away. He resents their falling out but is too unmotivated to do anything about it.